We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do
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What is Pennsylvania’s Community HealthChoices Program?
/0 Comments/in Community Health Choice, Medicare, Medicare Advantage /by BroadZero Medicare & RetirementPennsylvania’s Community HealthChoices (CHC) is a relatively new Medicaid program that uses managed care organizations (MCOs) to eliminate healthcare confusion and see that you get the health and wellness you need. Managed care programs historically have improved the level of care and long-term support needed to maintain higher levels of physical health for their community members.
The CHC managed care program was designed to:
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How to Switch Medicare Plans During Open Enrollment
/0 Comments/in Enrollment Periods, Medicare, Medicare Advantage /by BroadZero Medicare & RetirementOK boomer, so you think you made the wrong choice during Medicare’s Annual Election Period. Now what? The Medicare Open Enrollment Period will allow you to make changes to an existing Medicare plan. Keep reading to find out if you’re eligible to use this enrollment period and how to make a change.
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